Creating music online since 2012,
games since 2020.

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Jan 22, 2023

How the Unity's new Input System liberates the input detection from frame-rate

Unity’s conventional input system is easy to use, but there is one issue with it - it is frame locked.

Not sure what that means? Let me show you: if you are new to Unity, chances are that you have read or even written this piece of code yourselves.

using UnityEngine;
public class Sample: MonoBehaviour {
  private void Update() {
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) {
        Debug.Log("Space pressed now");
} this post on

Nov 16, 2022

Typeset LaTeX files with TeX Live on macOS and IntelliJ IDEA

So you want to typeset LaTeX locally

Nowadays, we have the luxury of ‘cloud LaTeX services’ like Overleaf, but sometimes you will run into timeout issues because you used a bit too many images.
It will never be a problem if you can just typeset LaTeX locally, so here’s the setup I use for my purposes.
Note that I need a CJK environment, or more specifically, I need to be able to typeset Japanese characters. this post on

Nov 11, 2022

Did you know I sell stock music?

Well, this is a shameless plug but this is my blog, so here goes;

Did you notice that the sidebar on this blog now has an ad?

If you are reading this on smartphones, sorry, sidebar is only available on the desktop version of this website. Try viewing it from tablet or PC!

Don’t worry, this is not a tracking ad. It is a static ad that I’ve placed. Audiostock is a website where I sell some “stock music.” this post on

Nov 10, 2022

The compilation is now on sale at BOOTH!

The compilation I wrote about in this blog is now on sale at pixiv BOOTH!

Fruits Cooktail - 北大DTMサークルNMPASS - BOOTH

2022秋M3にて頒布したアルバム、[Fruits Cooktail]のダウンロード版です。 果物をテーマに部員が作曲したオリジナル楽曲を10曲収録しています。 ロング版のクロスフェードはリンクよりご覧いただけます。 this post on

Oct 30, 2022

New Song Alert!


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